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Weight Loss News

Struggling To Lose Weight With Your Insulin-Dependent Diabetes?

Updated: Jan 10, 2019

There are many different types of diabetes that people can suffer from. Many people fall into the categories of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes while others have special cases that do not seem to fit the mold of either of the primary types.

However, people with any type of diabetes can be insulin-dependent to manage their diabetes. The problem with insulin dependence, of course, is that it can be hard on the budget, even with the best of health insurance, and it can also make losing weight (one of the best ways to reduce diabetes complications) difficult sometimes.

If you are one of those people that are insulin-dependent and you are struggling to lose weight, there are ways that you can do so safely and keeping your health as your top priority. Learn some of those methods that you can utilize so you can begin losing weight and better managing your health and diabetes as soon as possible.

Increased Exercise May Require Medication Adjustments

Many people assume that if they start exercising more and do not change anything else about their lifestyle that they will lose weight. For the average person with no health conditions, this may be true. However, when you are taking medications for your diabetes including insulin and other prescription drugs, this may not always be the case.

If part of your weight loss plan includes daily exercise and you have been consistent in your workouts for a few weeks or months without seeing results, you may need to consult with your doctor about adjusting your medications and your dosages. Taking insulin can make it difficult to lose weight as can periods of hypoglycemia (extremely low blood sugar).

Working with a weight loss clinic as well as your diabetes doctor can help you to determine if and when you should make adjustments to your insulin dosage and other medications based on your regular exercise routine. Do not over- or undersell the amount or intensity of exercise you are doing, though. This could result in changes to your medications that actually harm rather than help you.

Be Sure You Are Consuming Enough Healthy Calories to Prevent Hypoglycemia

When you exercise hard or you are trying to cut down on unhealthy foods in your diet, this will cause significant changes to the blood sugar levels in your body. After intense exercise, you should check your blood sugar immediately and have healthy snacks on hand to nourish your body and ensure your blood sugar does not dip too low.

To come out of a hypoglycemic episode, you need to consume food or drink that is dense in calories and sugar so that you get back to normal levels as quickly as possible and avoid going into shock. This can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals if it happens frequently.

Monitor and keep track of your blood sugar levels throughout the day, especially right before, during, and right after exercise. Some people with insulin-dependent diabetes need to snack or consume calories in the form of fruit juices, smoothies or all-natural protein shakes while exercising and working out.

Working with a weight loss clinic can really help you with these issues. Dr. Rebecca Clemenzi will work with you on your individual needs based on your diabetes and your blood sugar levels and fluctuations to come up with a dietary plan that will help you not only lose weight but manage your diabetes symptoms in the process.

Add to that the fitness experts and trainers available to you through weight loss clinics as well as other treatment options, and you will be well-supported in your weight loss efforts so you can finally start seeing results. Through the care of the weight loss clinic, your primary care doctor and your endocrinologist (if you have one), you will see weight loss results sooner rather than later


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